EL ADJETIVO ES LA PALABRA QUE DESCRIBE AL SUSTANTIVO DANDO MAS INFORMACIÓN SOBRE EL We use adjectives to describe nouns . RESPECTO AL ORDEN EN EL QUE SE USA CUANDO HAY MAS DE UNO When a number of adjectives are used together, their order depends on the function of the adjective. The usual order is: Quantity : two, five, a few, many, several Value/opinion: good, kind, delicious, ugly, beautiful Size: small, large, tall, tiny, huge Temperature: hot, cold, lukewarm, tepid Age : old, young, new, 28-year-old, elderly Shape : square, round, pointed, oval Color : red, yellow, purple, green, black Origin : English, Italian, Arabian, Victorian, Chinese Material : iron, glass, silver, paper, wooden EJEMPLO: An amazing ( quality ), heart-shaped ( shape ), red and white ( color ) paper ( material ) Valentine’s Day card. A breathtaking ( quality ), old ( age ), red ( color ) Italian ( origin...