
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2023


Inversion is a reversal of normal word order, especially the placement of a verb ahead of the subject. Inversion is used in several different situations in English, such as question forms, negative adverbials, and conditional sentences. For example,  Hardly, Scarcely, Barely, No sooner Generalmente el verbo que describe el primer hecho suele ir en pasado perfecto  (utilizaríamos el auxiliar HAD) o pasado simple (en cuyo caso el auxiliar sería DID o, si fuera un verbo TO BE, pues antecedemos al sujeto el verbo en pasado) _ A los adverbios hardly, scarcely y barely le sigue la palabra WHEN. – Al adverbio no sooner le sigue THAN (porque SOONER es el comparativo de SOON y los adjetivos y adverbios comparativos se comparan con «than»).  Ejemplos :  Inversión: Hardly had I got home when my mum called. Orden normal: I had hardly got home when my mum called.  Inversión: Scarcely had she finished her examen when she realized she didn’t asnswer to the last question. Orden normal: She had scarcel